Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is a set of tools and techniques used to supplement or replace traditional spoken communication for individuals who have difficulty communicating effectively through speech. AAC includes a wide range of communication methods and technologies that are designed to help people with a variety of disabilities or conditions, such as autism, cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury, and others.

AAC can involve a range of low-tech or high-tech communication tools, such as picture symbols, communication boards, speech-generating devices, and specialized software that can be used on tablets or other electronic devices. These tools can be used to support or enhance communication in a variety of settings, including at home, in school, and in the workplace.


Google Doc

Visual Communication Binder

Check out our Visual Binder for Students with Functional Communication Needs! Print and use these visuals to support students who benefit from visual supports, to aid in helping them functionally communicate. These are considered evidence-based practices and are interventions put in place for a student who receives support due to a language processing disorder (ASD or LI).

This resource is a work of progress and we welcome suggestions and input on other resources that would be useful to include. Please feel free to email your Low Incidence Services Coordinator with any questions or need for support.

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